Born in a time of crisis, the brand new Virus on-line festival is proof that any negative situation carries an unsuspected positive charge. The Virus on-line Festival platform will enable many independent artists, musicians, authors, dancers, and all people with talent and creative energy to showcase the best of themselves. The rest can just watch and have fun. In both cases we will be part of the festival. This is part of the message of the first ever online festival in Bulgaria, which as the name suggests will take place entirely online!
Expect meetings with popular people from different fields of culture and art. There will be children’s performances and puppet theater, fairy tales reading, culinary demonstrations and master classes, educational courses, online dance and sports lessons, stand-up comedy and theater performances and of course concerts. The dates have already been set – April 24, 25 and 26, 2020, and work on the program is underway! Until April 19, 2020, an invitation is open to those from all over the country who want to join the new endeavor and can offer interesting content. If you think you have something to show the audience – contact the organizers at or on their Facebook page.

The organizers (Nikolay Todorov and Daniela Dimitrova) say that this is the first ever online festival in Bulgaria. Their idea is to support various projects and performances that in the current situation have to be realized online. We are talking about musicians, artists, authors and other freelancers for whom the period is difficult. Plus the platform will surely offer something fun to many people who are already wondering how to spend their time at home.
The festival will be free, but there is an opportunity for online donations to artists who have impressed you or you just want to support. The only condition for all participants is not to comment on the topics coronavirus and politics.
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