Beautiful stained glass installations are now adorning Sveta Gora Park in Veliko Tarnovo. They were made by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. The realization is part of the project “Ecoartlogy”, representing the creation of works of monumental art in synthesis with the natural environment.

The works were created by several teams. The teams and respectively the installations are “Butterfly”, “Mushroom”, “Flowers” and “Leaves”. Most of the materials used for the installations are from melted and painted glass bottles, as well as discarded windows, which the authors processed and integrated into their works. The implementation of the project took almost two years. According to a lecturer from the university, this installation is one of the few such stained glass installations that are outside of architecture. The first similar project was implemented in Sliven but in an urban environment. This is the second project and is intended for outdoors space hence Sveta Gora Park being the perfect place for it.

The Ecoartlogy project is implemented with the financial support of the Debuts Program of the National Culture Fund and in partnership with the Mural Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo. The works will remain on display in Sveta Gora Park at least until the end of September, their creators specified.

*Pictures by VTU
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