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veliko tarnovo news
News, Transport

New parking for 180 cars in the center of Veliko Tarnovo and with a free one-hour stay

By the spring of 2025 the Central Market will be completely renovated

Veliko Tarnovo news – after a long wait Veliko Tarnovo will finally have a new, big parking lot in the center.
This will happen at the Central Market, where the demolition of the sheet metal shacks began a week ago. The removal of the brick buildings on the side of “Bulgaria” Blvd. began a few days ago.

veliko tarnovo news
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Lifestyle, News

A plan for a new parking lot in the center of Veliko Tarnovo

A new parking lot with a capacity of up to 120 spaces is being designed in the central part of Veliko Tarnovo. The site will be on the spot of the former football field in the area of ​​the old military school – next to the busy Hristo Botev Street. This was announced by the Mayor – Daniel Panov at a working meeting with municipal councilors from various political groups, during which current issues related  to traffic organization, parking and others were discussed.

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