Mountain hikes organized by Kalin Vasilev and “Tarnovo Runs” are gaining popularity throughout the country. Over 350 people have joined one of them.
Usually between 80 and 100 people reach the groups that participate in the mountain hikes organized by Kalin Vasilev and “Tarnovo Runs”. Such large groups are now a regular thing, which speaks not only of mass, but also of great interest in the routes offered by the movement and health group. They already include people from all over the country – from Pleven, Plovdiv, Ruse, Varna.
The idea for the mountain hikes dates from the very beginning of the creation of “Tarnovo Runs”, 6-7 years ago. In the beginning, the group, led by Kalin Vasilev, mainly organized training and running, but he realized that this way people did not relax as much and did not join enough in the cause of health. Since the Bulgarians have a serious tradition in mountaineering and nature walks, he decided that many hikes should be made and people should be included as much as possible, especially the younger ones.
“Tarnovo Run” makes between 20 and 30 hikes per year, half of which are around Veliko Tarnovo and the region, and the rest in the Central Balkans – Troyan, Teteven, Gabrovo, Tryavna. The winter period is quieter, but in the spring and summer they let loose, because even when it is 35 degrees in the city, in the mountains it is always cool and pleasant. People feel comfortable, they pick herbs and let loose.

The routes are chosen by Kalin and the people from the hikes, who often suggest where to go. However, Kalin necessarily walks and checks them in advance. A large percentage of the eco-trails are abandoned, and nature is taking over everything. He is checking the condition of the markings and, if necessary, he forms a team of volunteers and clean the eco-trails. In terms of safety they also give instructions to people on how to behave in the mountains.
This Saturday, July 16, the hike will be to Mount Maragidik. This trail is one of the more difficult ones, and that’s why there are about 50 people who have applied. Last week he was at the “Echo” hut in Ribaritsa, before that – Mount Vezhen.
And after Maragidik, there is a hike to the “Pleven” hut, where there are beautiful eco-trails all around. And so until autumn, when it is the strongest period for the marches led by Kalin.
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