Due to the increased number of COVID-19 infected people in Bulgaria the Minister of Health has issued a new order with stricter anti-epidemic measures.
Weddings, graduations and all other kinds of group celebrations in Bulgaria can be held but with only up to 30 guests, subject to a distance of 1.5 meters. This is stated in the new order, signed by the Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev, which enters into force at 00.00 on July 10. The news of the tightening of the measures was announced at a briefing by Minister Ananiev after today’s regular meeting with the Prime Minister and the National Operations Headquarters.

Other restrictions prohibit the functioning of indoor nightclubs, piano bars, bars and so on. Outdoor nightclubs can work for now, but again in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures, within 50% of their capacity and in compliance with the social distancing of 1.5 meters. All collective and individual sports events for all age groups indoors and outdoors will be held without an audience, according to the new order.

The measures will last until a new order, Ananiev said, without committing to a deadline. According to him, at the moment there is no reason for more severe measures. However, local district heads will have the right to introduce even stricter measures – if the situation on their territory worsens. The inspections for the observance of the restrictions, such as wearing masks in shops and restaurants, will be intensified, Ananiev added.
Next Wednesday, at a meeting of the Council of Ministers, the decision to extend the emergency epidemic situation until the end of July will be adopted, as already announced, the minister added. He added that if necessary, it will probably be extended further.
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