For the eighteenth time, residents and guests of Veliko Tarnovo can celebrate Enyovden a.k.a. Midsummer’s Day. The Day of the summer solstice, medicinal herbs and ancient magical rituals will be celebrated with the holiday “Enyovden at the Samovodska Charshia” on June 24. The events for the Day of the Summer Solstice are organized by the Municipal Tourist Agency “Tsarevgrad Tarnov” and promise to immerse those present in the magical rites and rituals of the holiday.
The program starts at 10:30 when the Enyovday wreath will be ritually smoked with embers from medicinal herbs. 77 and a half fragrant herbs will be woven into it, as the custom dictates. Legend has it that whoever goes through the wreath will be healthy all year round. For those who want to follow the tradition and take home a stalk of the Enyovday wreath, there will be pre-prepared small bouquets of medicinal herbs, which will be distributed on the spot.

Earlier in the day, there will be a hike to pick herbs in the Ksilifor area. It is organized by the Trapezitsa 1902 Tourist Association and the Dr. Vasil Beron School of Tourism in Veliko Tarnovo. Exactly at 7:00 from the central part of Ksilifor all of the enthusiasts for picking medicinal herbs and flowers will leave. At 8:30 a competition will be held for the most beautiful wreath and bouquet, and after the winners are announced, a festive program will begin on the stage “Library” by the lake. The children from the Children’s Folklore Ensemble “Bulgarche” will take care of the good mood of those present.
During the holiday the participants will enjoy the healing herbal tea prepared on the spot, will get acquainted with the properties of some herbs and will take part in the Enyovoday horo.
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