The five-month-old deer Rem is the newest addition to the “Four-legged friends” farm-shelter in the village of Hotnitsa. It is a one-of-a-kind place in the Veliko Tarnovo area where animals affected by human intervention or accidents can find care and love. Little Rem became part of the farm family soon after he was born. He was rescued by an elderly woman and then handed over to the shelter’s owners. The fragile four-legged animal would not have survived without the help of its benefactors, and today enjoys enviable living conditions, friends and great attention from visitors of the animal farm.

Rem poses with ease for a photo with the children and adults visiting the farm. However, he can remain under the care of “Four-legged friends” until the age of 10 months, after which they are legally obliged to release him in the wild. The owners of the shelter have experience handling baby deer since they have managed to raise three deer so far.

More than 40 animals live in the “Four-legged friends” sanctuary. These include donkeys, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats, and more. One of the most attractive inhabitants is the mouflon Karem Jan. He was a gift from the zoo in Pavlikeni and loves to observe order and discipline. When the animals are out to graze, he makes sure that no one deviates from the group or falls behind.

The farm is open for free visits every day except Monday from 10:00 to 17:00. One of the main activities is conducting animal therapy and building a relationship with the animals. For years, science has proven the beneficial effects of communication with animals on children and adults. A few days ago, the shelter published their first book which is full with the stories of its residents. All proceeds from the sale of the book go to provide the necessary care for the animals from “Four-legged friends”.
*Photos: Four-legged friends Facebook page
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[…] The shelter is temporary, which means that the captured or brought animals will be dewormed, vaccinated, neutered, ear tagged and chipped. After the regulated stay, the animals, which are healthy, non-aggressive and no one wanted to adopt them, will return to their places of capture, but not near schools, kindergartens and hospitals. […]