Some of the streets in the centre and the wide centre of Veliko Tarnovo will become one-way and the speed limit will be 30 km. This reduction of traffic aims to both increase the safety on the streets and to create new parking spots. This is indicated by the new plan for the organisation of the traffic in the old capital, which is being introduced by order of Mayor Daniel Panov this year.
local roads
Two new roundabouts, a complete renovation of the main Bulgaria str. and more in Veliko Tarnovo
The Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo has announced the start of the procedures for the selection of a contractor for the complete renovation of the main Bulgaria Street. New traffic organization, new traffic lights with special systems for bus priority and new bus stops with information boards powered by solar energy are envisioned. Besides these renovations, the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo is also planning the construction of two roundabouts. The renovations and constructions should start in early 2020 and are expected to be completed by summer.

Bridge repairs, renovations and closed roads in the Veliko Tarnovo area
Bridge repair closes from April 2nd the fourth-class road between Kilifarevo and the village of Plakovo near Veliko Tarnovo. The repair works of the bridge over the Belitsa River are under a project developed by the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo, which will be financed by the Interdepartmental Commission for Reconstruction and Support. The bridge approaches will also be repaired. During the repairs, the traffic will be redirected to the following route: Kilifarevo – road II-55 / Veliko Tarnovo – Gurkovo / – Natsovtsi village – Golemanite village – Plakovo village / two-way /. The bus line between Veliko Tarnovo and Plakovo village will also be travelling along this route.