There are 2 laboratories in Veliko Tarnovo which offer tests for the coronavirus.
Ramus Laboratory offers tests for COVID-19 but you have to book an appointment at 0882 648 136. The laboratory is located at 4 Tsar Ivan Alexander Street. According to information on Ramus’ website, a PCR test costs 100 lv, and a rapid test costs 27 lv.
Medika lab also offers a test for COVID 19. According to their site in Veliko Tarnovo samples are taken at 21 Marno Pole Str., from 13:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday and the price is 34 leva.

For now laboratory tests for the coronavirus infection are two types. The first type is a direct detection of the virus in respiratory system materials (PCR test). The second type is testing of IgM and IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 from blood samples.
The PCR test is considered more reliable at the moment. It can prove both that you are a carrier and that you are ill. It can be done 3 – 5 days after contact with a proven patient or at the first manifestation of clinical symptoms. The PCR test is made with throat and nasal secretion. The result are out within 24 to 48 hours and certainty is over 90%.
The so called rapid test is performed by taking venous blood. It takes into account the presence of antibodies to the virus, judging by the type of antibodies – IgG or IgM whether the infection is old or present. This test is appropriate for screening of patients with suspected COVID- 19. The antibodies are formed after 5 to 7 days after the presence of the virus and is dependent on the human immune status. The test cannot detect the virus in the blood but only the antibodies against it, which is indicative of its presence.
We recommend consulting with your doctor first before doing any kinds of tests. A medical professional will be better suited to explain the types of tests and which is best for you if needed.
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