From today – November 5, the implementation of the project for replacement of the water supply network under Bulgaria Blvd. and partially – under Bacho Kiro St. and Tsar Samuil St. (next to the intersection with Tsar Todor Svetoslav St.) begins. The first stage of the renovation starts from Tsar Samuil Street, which will be excavated to replace the water supply and sewerage collector and will last two weeks. The residents in the area have already been warned to move their cars so that the contractor company can start the repair. The temporary organization of the traffic is prepared and will be directed through the nearby Tsar Ivan Alexander str., next to the polyclinic.
Gradually, the excavation works will be moved in the direction of the court and along the boulevard, and due to the huge four-meter trenches the traffic will be closed and redirected in parts.