Bulgarian currency
Paying your bills in Bulgaria is easy. Whether we are talking about water, electricity or internet bills – there are a number of options which you are presented with.
- You can pay your bills in an office of the service provider. This means you will go to one place to pay your electricity bill, to another to pay you TV bill, to a third to pay for you mobile phone and so on and so on. This is not the best option if your daily schedule is full.
- Some of the service providing companies offer you the option to pay via their internet sites and not in person.
- There are the authorized payment agencies which have centres across the country in various places – supermarkets, gas stations, shopping centres, etc. After an initial registration you can pay all your bills in one go using their services which obviously will save you a lot of time and energy. These agencies provide on-line (for which you will need a bank account) and in person services.
- If you live in a village your options are somewhat more limited – you can pay your power, water and telephone bills in the post offices there but bills like the ones for TV, Internet and gas may have to be paid in person in the office of the company or over the internet.
- Of course there is the option for you to open a bank account and set up payments by direct debit. This way you will have no worries regarding paying your bills on time.
Images: Internet
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