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From brewery to luxurious hotel

The name of  this posh hotel is B2 Boutique Hotel-SPA and is located in Switzerland. Human ingenuity (and architects) once again prove they can turn the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

The former Hurlimann Brewery in Zurich has a completely new look. The hotel is located in the historic part of town and offers its guests 60 luxurious rooms, a comfortable lounge with a large library. It has over 33,000 books and direct access to the pool, which is located on the roof of the building, revealing unique views to the city.

Designers and architects have managed to keep the authenticity of the building. The moveable mirrors, which separate the bedroom from the bathroom, add space to the not-so-large rooms.

Modern building materials and elements have been tastefully combined with the traditional (used during the golden age of brewers) stone, oak bookshelves and tapestries that decorate the walls and add a homely touch to the rooms.

If you’re into such renovation projects, check out the following Bulgaria property for a reasonable price and with great potential for a mansion.

Can you believe, this is a renovated Bulgarian school room?

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