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external office for COVID patients
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External office for patients with confirmed test for COVID-19 and free antigen tests in Veliko Tarnovo

In the Veliko Tarnovo region there is already an external office for patients with a confirmed test for COVID-19 with mild and moderate symptoms. The open outpatient COVID zone is located in the building of the Pulmonary Hospital “Dr. Treiman” in Veliko Tarnovo on the basis of a contract for joint activities with the hospital. The center employs doctors Dr. Stella Dencheva – pulmonologist and specialist in internal medicine, and Dr. Dragosh Metodiev – Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University Hospital in Pleven and an assistant in the Department of Surgery at the Medical University of Pleven.

The work of the office is coordinated with RHI and RHIF. Every working day from 16.00 to 18.00 the office will receive patients. The severity of the disease will be assessed on the spot and therapy will be prescribed. Apparatus for measuring oxygen saturation of the lungs are provided, at the discretion of doctors there will be an opportunity for X-rays and other types of tests. If necessary, doctors will prescribe referrals for hospitalization. Patients with mild or moderate coronavirus symptoms will be able to receive one antibiotic free of charge from the prescribed treatment, as provided in the plan of the Ministry of Health.

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