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The expressway from Ruse will pass only 4 km from Veliko Tarnovo

The new expressway from Ruse, which is part of the international Helsinki – Istanbul corridor between Europe and Asia, will run only 4 km away from Veliko Tarnovo, between the villages of Ledenik and Momin Sbor.

Hemus Highway which is also expected to go north of Veliko Tarnovo will cross the new main arterial road from Ruse just 13 km away from the old capital. The road junction is planned to be constructed in the area between Rusalya and Hotnitsa. Another junction north of Polikraishte will connect the current main road to the Danube town with the future highway.

On several occasions it was confirmed by the government that these two major infrastructural projects are amongst the top priorities for the country. Veliko Tarnovo may become an important logistics centre once they are completed and thus boast its economy. The estimated value of the expressway Ruse – Veliko Tarnovo was recently announced – around 580 million euros.

The route of the new arterial road is expected to go along the villages of Karantsi, Radanovo, Petko Karavelovo and Kutsina and then between Ledenik and Momin sbor. From there it will continue towards Gabrovo passing by Debelets. Last year it decided that due to its functions and capacities the new road will be classified as an expressway instead of a highway.


Images: Internet

Property News, Transport

Price of land near Veliko Tarnovo is on the rise

magiNow that it became clear that Hemus Highway will pass about 20 km north from Veliko Tarnovo, the price of land around the old capital rose significantly. Plots are now sold for 1500 leva per 1000 sqm; as a year ago they rarely exceeded 1,200 leva per 1000 sqm. Agricultural plots of land near the town of Pavlikeni and the village Nikyup are the most sought after. There are expectations their value will go even higher.

After the last alterations it was decided that the route of the highway will now go past Pavlikeni, reaching 20 km away from Veliko Tarnovo – north of Resen and south of Nikyup.  Continue Reading